24 hours remaining: EMPATHIZING WITH THE USER
What are Restaurant Managers' Pain Points?
The very first step was to understand the clients' ask, their product, and their customers. With a whiteboard, we discussed and wrote out the Problem(s), the User, the Pain Points, Current User Journey, and Constraints.
I kicked things off with a whiteboard discussion to get everyone on the same page.
Realizing we had a lot of gaps in our knowledge, we split off to conduct secondary research. We also downloaded the app and created schedules from the manager's POV to understand their current experience.
The number of times a location republishes their schedule.
Of a manager's time spent scheduling.
We also learned about 7shifts' Shift Pool feature from someone who had used the app before at her job. Employees have the option to offer up or trade their shifts with others. The caveat was that managers always had to approve the shift change.